
Още древните египтяни са извличали есенции от цветя, плодове и муск, за да създадат изкуствено ухание, способно да придаде много чар, обаяние и ореол. Запазени са дори количества от тези парфюми отлежали с хиляди години в гробниците на мумифицирани фараони и добре затворени в нефритени съдове.

Парфюмът винаги е привличал любопитството със своята мистериозна природа и най-вече със способността си да променя атмосферата и обаянието около тялото. Добре подбран, може да подчертае и да извади на преден план онези красиви акценти, които да завладеят вниманието на партньора или на овкусят по невероятен начин всеки интимен спомен.

Витаят много легенди около парфюма. Започвайки от неговото приготвяне, което е почти алхимичен процес и е свързан с финното дозиране на огромен брой субстанции в уникална пропорция, което е равносилно на постигането на баланс при жонглиране с огромен брой топки. Добре обучени носове, притежаващи таланта да разграничават многобройните нотки в едно ухание променят и напасват пропорцията между съставките така, че да носят истиснко уханно послание.

Парфюмът претърпява истински бум във Франция и то несамо заради прословутия префинен френски вкус към красивото, но и по чисто хигиенни съображения. В тези времена личната хигиена не е била на онова ниво, на което сме свикнали, когато си вземаме душ всяка сутрин преди да стартираме с ангажиментите си. Тогава това е било лукс и за да се подтиснат всички онези неприятни последици от липсата на чистота на тялото парфюмеристите са изобретили цяла армада от уханни води, пудри, парфюми, соли, торбички с уханни билки и пр., които са се използвали в огромни количества. Неслучайно парфюмеристите са били едни от най-заможните хора на времето си, а състоянието им буквално е ималко шанс да се удвой, ако с таланта си са успявали да сътворят уникално ухание, което да се хареса и да стане хит сред благородната класа. Тогава поръчките са валяли отвсякъде, а с тях и печалбите.

Модерната парфюмерийна индустрия ни атакува с невероятни ухания побиращи се в цялата скала от екзотични, през авантюристични, любопитни, загадъчни до умерени, ефирни и класически. И все пак от огромното многообразие нашият нос и вкус би отделил онова, което ще ни допадне най-много.

Едно предложение как да откриете "любимия си парфюм" според своя зодиакален знак може да бъде любопитен начин да намерите паралел между вкусовете си и вродената си същност.

Ето и предложенията за 12-те знака.


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Aries is synonymous with the vibrant, romantic and practical, full of fantasy like adventure Yanger, they need is a vibrant, but also a very wealthy individual perfume With the cool mint, lavender fragrance, perfume blindly quite different from the traditional demands of the romantic elegance, and in the sweet taste, then lining on the wood after the taste, by the warm Yanger conveyed a different modern sprightly rhythm of the city.


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Simple, sincere, and the love and respect for the natural beauty Taurus, the choice of perfume has its own unique aesthetic capacity. 灵感来自花束,把奢华、优雅与高贵融为一体的合成花香 ,绝对适合崇尚简洁之美,希望在简单而不花哨的香氛中突显自己的牛儿。 Inspiration from the bouquet, the luxury, elegance and the integration of floral elegance, absolute respect for the beauty of simplicity, in the simple hope that instead of the scent of Huaxiao highlight its own correspondent. 擦拭在脖颈,让体温来释放这若有似无的香甜,旁人要想闻得更清晰,还须靠得更近点喔! Wipe in the neck, body temperature to the release of the group not sweet, and others in order to hear more clearly, but also Kaodegengjin point!


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Intelligence flexible, and the nonstop pace of Gemini, is the favorite of wealth among the changes and challenges of life. 属于木质的气息再加上带些东方辛香的味道 ,十分符合双子那略带自主,却又不会过分浓烈的性格。 The flavor of wood with the Xinxiang with some oriental flavor, it is in line with the Gemini slightly autonomy, but not too strong character. 前味的姜味让人精神一振,而后味的柚木、檀香等气息则使人感到一种清新、干净的亲和力,让人忍不住只想依偎在双子的身旁! Before people ginger flavored spirit spirits, then flavored teak, sandalwood, and so give the flavor is a fresh, clean affinity, people can not help but just want leaned in the next Gemini!


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Feelings without heavy material, the full emotional Cancer is such a romantic. 对蟹蟹来说,一些树木、花卉如青竹、水百合以及弗吉尼亚雪松等原始、自然的香味 ,最能唤起人们对蟹蟹那和谐、温暖、纯洁和不做作的记忆。 The crab, crab, some trees, flowers such as bamboo, water lilies and Virginia cedar, and other primitive, natural flavor, the most to arouse people's crab crab that harmony, and warmth, purity and not artificial memory. 将香水拭擦于衣领的开口处,当蟹蟹迎面而来时,一种淡雅的诱惑随即就能让人感受到喔! Shica perfume will be the opening in the collar, when crab crab approaching, the temptation was an elegant people can feel!


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Brilliant sunshine as optimistic, cheerful personality and open-minded attitude to life, at the Lions, only the dissemination of alternating layers of fresh fragrance with the scent of firepower can be worthy of the pride of lions at birth and enthusiasm. 柔曼的苍兰芬香仿佛轻轻越过的晨风;逐渐浓烈的木兰芬芳则仿佛日出的光辉,自地平线上冉冉升起;每分每秒,奇迹都在演绎,这样的香氛当然属于自信的狮子座! Rouman the Cang Lanfen-like across the morning breeze gently; gradually thick Mulan fragrance is like a glorious sunrise, since rising on the horizon; every minute, a miracle in the interpretation of such a course scent Block is confident the Lions!


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Always pay a low profile is a Virgo constellation shy and introverted. 崇尚完美,并且固执的去追求完美,如此看来,要符合处女座的高要求,也只有典雅高贵的香蕈型香氛 Advocating perfect, and stubborn pursuit of perfect view of this, it is necessary to meet the high demand of Virgo, and only the noble muscarinic type elegant scent. 诱惑型的芬芳,越走得近才越感觉得到香蕈的自然芬芳。 Temptations of the fragrance, and the more recent move to the muscarinic felt natural fragrance. 细腻而令人迷醉的芳香气息显示着处女座的与众不同,超越流行,用最隐性的方式散发着诱惑。 Fascination is delicate aroma and flavor of the show that the Virgo unique, beyond fashion, with the most hidden form of the dissemination of temptation.

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Both poetry and the willfulness of the "roots" of the perfume and Xianya gentle Libra. 对于随时都能保持平衡、迷人与镇定的天秤座来说,只有在欣然的氛围中,才能快快乐乐、无忧无虑的生活。 At any time to maintain the balance, calm and charming Libra, only in the atmosphere is pleased to be happy, carefree life. 简洁的瓶身线条带来的是一种都市感,而风信子、木兰花与草香的交融 ,则是让原本就已浑然天成的秤子更是带上一股清新纯净的活力。 Simple lines of the bottle is a sense of the city, and hyacinth, and the maker of Magnolia flower blend, it is for the already natural Pingzi is pure bring a fresh vitality.


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Scorpio is the symbol of mystery, like mysterious scorpion, and also create mystery. 性感妖艳,周身散发着一种令人窒息的美的气息,如此的蝎子配上夜来香加果香的浓郁主调 ,立马就能产生一种魅惑的味道。 Sexy bewitching,周身distributed in the United States and a suffocating atmosphere, so the scorpion accompanied evening primrose and fruity aroma of strong melody, immediately will create a temptation to taste. 打开香水瓶,接近天然的花香给人无限的遐想。 Open perfume bottles, close to the natural scent gives unlimited reverie. 飘飘绕绕、环绕身边,此种香氛就如同蝎子的毒药,不经意间被吸引,然后,再慢慢的上"瘾"! Fluttering around around around the sides, such as the scent of the scorpion poison inadvertently attracted, and then gradually the "addiction"!


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Striker Block, a love of freedom than all the constellations. 难以驯服,丝毫不能受到约束,与生俱来的野性刚好与热情、大胆的香味相辅相成、并行不悖。 Difficult to tame, in no way constrained, coincides with the birth of wild enthusiasm, bold flavor complementary, not mutually exclusive. 前味以清新的杨桃、佛手柑、甜橙为主,后味则散发出自然木质的白桦木、香根草、肉豆蔻、青苔味。 Fresh flavor to the former carambola, Bishougan, Orange-based, distributed after the natural flavor of the white birch wood to wood, and vetiver, nutmeg, moss taste. 射手的顽皮、活泼被展现的淋漓尽致,年轻人的狂放与年轻在此时被捕捉得恰到好处! The striker naughty, lively show was, so that young people and young Juefang was caught in the right time!


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For the business step by step, meticulous, compared with other constellations, Majie Although less Jisi wild, but more than a full vitality and perseverance in the quiet performance! 大地和草木为灵感的自然香调 ,可以将摩羯身上蕴藏的含蓄情感激发出来。 To the earth and the natural vegetation-inspired tune, Majie who can be implicitly contain the emotion aroused from. 而来自青草与蕨类植物的完美结合,则是将这一愿望变成了现实。 The grass and ferns from the perfect combination of operated this desire into reality. 搭配上精炼玻璃的极简瓶身,立马营造一种清新而又简约的现代风格! Refining with the minimalist glass bottle, immediately create a clean and simple, modern style!


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The light of wisdom Aquarius mind, always have some strange ideas, and on the bottle, the need is a can introduce Imagine the scent with fragrance to wash their own hearts and minds. 嫩芽绿叶为香味主轴,再融合小豆蔻的特有清香 ,原来恬静温存、安详宁静的香氛唾手可得,宛如一把花束缓缓绽放的气息,十分匹配水瓶座的灵美气质喔! Shoots for the smell of green leaves to the spindle, the reintegration Cardamom unique fragrance, the original Wencun quiet, the peace and quiet scent at your fingertips, just like a bouquet of blooming atmosphere slowly, matching Aquarius is the temperament of Hope United States!


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Shuangyuzuo love fantasy, the water quality of all inherited gentle and sensitive. 令人愉悦的全新清绿花香调,搭配来自茉莉、牡丹、以及紫罗兰的淡雅香氛 ,则让鱼儿可以在瞬间完美的享受一次华美的感官感受。 The pleasant scent of new green-tune, with jasmine from, peonies, violets, as well as the elegant scent, so the fish can be the perfect moment to enjoy a beautiful sensory feelings. 冰凉、清新、舒适,如此的香味调性让鱼儿有如置身海水当中。 Cool, clean, comfortable, so tune in to the smell of the fish is like outside of seawater. 鱼儿、海水,相得益彰,如此无比的清新舒畅,双鱼当然乐不思蜀! Fish, sea, complement each other, so incomparably fresh ease Beas course, the week!

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